Go deeper and beyond the act of simply scratching the surface of your true self. Discover the real you through 360˚Astro Profiling.

What is 360˚Astro Profiling?

If you’ve been struggling with the questions about yourself and your future, then 360˚Astro Profiling is for you.
360˚Astro Profiling is a unique profiling methodology used for a detailed mapping of your natural strengths, thought structure and your persona. This process involves synthesizing the findings from pertinent data sources including those from your birth chart using Vedic Astrology and one-of-a-kind Psychometric tools such as:

How it works?

Our mind mastery analysis holds three aspects:

Why 360˚ Astro Profiling will work for you

360˚Astro Profiling will give you a clear understanding of where you need to invest your energy to create a more fulfilling life.

Through profound knowledge and experience in astrology, Krescon Coaches carry out this extensive method of profiling, and in the process bring immense value to your personal and professional life.

After understanding you better, our Astro Coach can structure your sessions accordingly for creating maximum value and result.

So, as you journey on the path to self-discovery, permit yourself the will to attain true confidence, while also knowing what lies ahead.

How we will profile you

Connect with us for a personalized 360˚ Astro profiling and discover amazing insights about yourself.