
Attaining Heightened Decision-Making Abilities: The Spiritually-Driven Leader’s Journey

From the Monk who sold his Ferrari to Sanyasi Sadhu who left his job to lead the life of a monk, living like an ascetic depends on one’s owns decisions. If you want to take that road, by all means. However, for those who live a transactional life, it is not impossible to lead with spirituality in the same world. You don’t have to leave your current lifestyle and turn into a religious follower or guru if that’s not how you wish to go. 

Contrary to popular belief, transactional living, and your spirituality can co-exist.

A spiritually-driven leader is one whose SiQ allows them to realize who and what they are, while also manifesting their divinity. That said, most people guided by their sensory inputs become servants of their servant’s servants. What does this mean?

Servant of Our Servant’s Servants

Ideally, we control our mind but reality places us in the rear seat, and eventually, that’s the seat we only see.

To simplify, let me explain the flow of our mental factors and how it works:

We gain CONTACT with the things around us, and through contact, we gain the ATTENTION of external factors through our sensory organs. 

For instance, through the sensory organ of our eyes, we see something and it gains our attention. After grabbing our attention, we are led to DISCRIMINATE which means that we must prioritize whether or not to give it more attention or leave it aside.

After making a decision, we allow the transaction to DRIVE US EMOTIONALLY, and then we let it govern our INTENT TO ACT. All of this happens at the mind’s level, which is where we are driven by our sensory inputs. 

However, as a spiritually high leader, one must develop the realization of how thoughts flow and in the process, refrain from being in servitude to one’s sensory inputs.

While we manage the way our mind navigates these sensory inputs, we learn the importance of discernment. We then learn to use our head, heart, and hand accordingly.

The 3-H Alignment

When a leader with a high SiQ or high Spiritual Quotient attains this harmonious blend of spiritualizing their transactions, their steadiness increases. They are no longer governed by the terrors and temptations of life. Rather, through their steadiness, the leader attains clarity, which then leads to dealing with things calmly.

Hence, one is not driven by the servants of the servant, rather one governs both the servant and its servants.

  • We control our minds
  • The Mind is the Servant
  • The Sensory Inputs are the Mind’s Servants

With this, you will understand how to be spiritually driven as a leader.

As a legacy creator, I have coached several clients and helped them with their personal Integrated Health Quotient Scores (IHQ). Only by increasing their IHQ scores can leaders transform into legends.

Therefore, spirituality is not meant for zombifying one’s life but to realize who or what one is and to manifest the divinity that is already present within.


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